Monday, May 22, 2006


Well, as I starter I want to say that finding values you should stick to in life wasn't easy for me. It is always temting to be a conformist and just do sth like others. But it is not the way. Values should be sth we deeply balieve in, not sht that we just accept.
First, I try not to judge people that I don't know. I may judge the behavior, but not the whole person. It is not easy, at least for me.
Second, I try to treat others in a way I'd like to be treated by them.
Another thing is that honesty shows that we respect sb. I'm not talking about being plainly honest in every matter (i.e. sometimes we should say: "Yes, you look great in this dress." even if it's not true ;)). But in many cases even the worse truth is better than most beatiful lie. But when we do tell the truth, the right word and phrase selection shpuld be considered. We do not have to say sth in a harsh, even brutal words, even if it is hars and brutal.
And I do not like to imposing sb's opinion on other people. I may try to show, to justify my views without an auhoritarian attitude: "I'm right, and that's it." It is often good to listen to justification of toher people. Who knows, maybe theirs is better.
Coming to conlicts: they are unevitable, but still I try to avoid them. Useful as they sometimes are, I try to end them as soon as possible. The life is just not worth constatnt conflicts.
It's all for now, but I guess I can add sth later.


At 9:37 PM, Blogger Agnieszka said...

Heheee, a little inaccuracy sometimes saves a lot of explanation, huh? ;) (It's about the looking-good-on-you-dress thing)

And about the saying truth stuff, as they say, you need to be able not only to say the truth, you must be able also to take it.

At 11:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wszyscy jesteście "nienormalni"

At 10:48 AM, Blogger AgataL said...

Yeah, that last comment is pretty constructive ;)
Pszemo, thank you for your post, it is very mature. Your words about listening to others and not judging them have made me think. If only we could always step aside and look at situations we got involved in without any emotions!

At 3:43 PM, Blogger pszemo said...

Yes... That is why word "try" is pretty important in my post.

At 3:43 PM, Blogger Agnieszka said...

jesteśmy nienormalni?? jjupijajejj :] już myślałam, że coś ze mną nie tak, i znormalniałam i stałam się taka jak całe zastępy tzw. "normalnych"

At 4:55 PM, Blogger POUL said...

Ostatnim razem jak tu byłem było 9 postów, jest 6... Chyba 3 z nich vanished. Tylko dlaczego???


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